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      RosieD replied to the thread PKR MUA advice please.
      I'm not sure whether I'm making much progress but I'm getting on with life as best I can. I have hydrotherapy once a week and I'm in the...
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      RosieD replied to the thread PKR MUA advice please.
      Thank you for the information and supportive messages. It was very helpful to hear other people's experience of MUA. I had MUA on 20th...
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      RosieD replied to the thread PKR MUA advice please.
      Thank you for the responses, especially to dnkz who has been through the procedure. It would be good to hear from more people who have...
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      RosieD replied to the thread PKR MUA advice please.
      I appreciate what everyone here is saying about it being too soon for MUA, but I also don't want to delay my recovery. My surgeon thinks...
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      RosieD replied to the thread PKR MUA advice please.
      My op was on 28th October. I'm in two minds about the MUA. The swelling in my knee and leg is less than it was 2 weeks ago but the...
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      Hi. I am 6 weeks post-op right PKR, medial side. Immediately post op, my surgeon seemed quite quite surprised by the amount of swelling...
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