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      Mr. Bill replied to the thread TKR TKR - November 8th.
      Hi Everyone: Entering 3 month territory this week and business as usual. P/T twice a week. Starting to jog which was very difficult. It...
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      Mr. Bill replied to the thread TKR TKR - November 8th.
      Happy New Year! Hit my 2 month mark update. Everything is going well and if there is one piece advice I can give everyone with TKR is...
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      Mr. Bill replied to the thread TKR TKR - November 8th.
      Six Weeks Post-op tomorrow. Worst week yet sleeping and I'm not in excruciating pain. Its just a dull, aching, uncomfortable, tolerable...
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      Mr. Bill replied to the thread TKR TKR - November 8th.
      Five weeks post-op today. Sleep deprivation blues sent in so I called the doctor asking for a sleeping pill. He was reluctant due to...
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      Mr. Bill replied to the thread TKR TKR - November 8th.
      Hi Everyone. I will be 4 weeks post-op in 2 days. Doing P/T everyday. Two times a week at the P/T facility and 5 days a week at home...
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      I had a left total knee replacement on November 8th. It was at an ambulatory surgical center. I arrived at 5:45. I was in surgery by...
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