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    • F
      Fanny replied to the thread THR 6 months after.
      Thank you for all kind wishes, I must say there are some wonderful people on the forums , It is such a help.:)
    • F
      Fanny replied to the thread THR 6 months after.
      Thank you all for the kind Birthday wishes. I have not been on the forum for a while. I have to report I am doing much better, taking it...
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      Fanny replied to the thread THR Seem to be going backwards.
      I am 7 months into recovery, I have taken the advice of Bonesmart and not tried to run before I can walk. Being steady does the best.I...
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      Fanny replied to the thread THR 6 months after.
      Will try that, I do drink my cups of tea don't know if that is any good. Thank you for your good wishes, I am sure you will be feeling...
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      Fanny replied to the thread THR 6 months after.
      Thank you for all the advice, I am thinking that maybe because of my age may slow me down, I turned 80 on boxing day, so like has been...
    • F
      6 months after my left THR june 19 2024 I am still getting pain in my scar, sometimes its sharp and other time burning. I have been...
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